Tour of riding hall
Guided tour only
Tour of the riding hall include following rooms :
exposition of herbs and Czech forest, main hall, stables, empor, 4 accommodation rooms, attic, rondel – former rooms for harnesses, exposition of forge, forge, blacksmith apartment, carriage hall and prince lodge
Category of visitors
Adults from 25 to 64 years | 250 Kč |
Seniors 65+ | 220 Kč |
Group ticket – trip | 200 Kč |
Youth from 18 to 24 years | 200 Kč |
Family ticket – favorably (2 adults + 2 and more children) | 550 Kč |
Holders of sever disabilities card | 200 Kč |
Children from 6 to 17 years | 100 Kč |
Children to 5 years | Free |
Guide of disabilities person | Free |
Pedagogical supervision (for groups 1 person on 15 children) | Free |
Guide for organized groups (1 person for whole group of at least 20 persons) | Free |
Audioguide | 50 Kč |
Ticket – exposition of herbs
Adults, seniors, students | 50 Kč |
Children to 17 years | 30 Kč |